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Q: What are people with two heads called?
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Why can some people have two heads?

It's called a deformity which is a missing part of the body or an extra part.

Why do some people have two heads?

It's called a deformity which is a missing part of the body or an extra part

Who were the two emperors that led after Augustus death?

The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.The two emperors immediately following Augustus were Tiberius and Caligula. They both could be called leaders as they were heads of state.

What is the name of a child with two heads and one body?

A a child or other young animal born with two heads is called dicephalic.

What is the game with the people with the flat heads called?

guess who

What is two sheep hitting their horns together called?

Butting heads

What is a meeting between two or more heads of state from two or more countries called?

It is called a summit.

What is the painting with two people kissing though what looks like bags over their heads?

One example of René Magritte's Surrealism. It is called 'The Lovers'.

What criteria is bicep named by?

Bi means two and as this muscle originates from two heads it is called biceps

What are the things that people from Naruto wear on their heads called?

Forehead protectors or headbands

What is the meaning of butting heads?

When sheep or goats want to prove who is the strongest they butt their heads together until one gives up, leaving the other the winner. In the same manner when two people try to dominate each other they may continuosly quarrel in the hope that the other one will yield, this is called "butting heads"

What is the name of the emo cartoon where it has the two people with underwear on there heads?

pon and zi they are awesome