

What are personal variables?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What are personal variables?
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Define culture also define national cultural variables and individual cultural variables?

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, and behaviors shared by a group of people. National cultural variables encompass aspects such as language, religious practices, societal norms, and historical traditions specific to a particular country. Individual cultural variables refer to personal beliefs, values, and behaviors shaped by factors such as family background, education, and personal experiences.

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Albert Bandura is a social-cognitive theorist who argues that behavior is influenced by both situation variables and person variables. He proposed the concept of reciprocal determinism, which suggests that behavior is shaped by the interaction between personal factors, environmental factors, and behavior itself.

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Willa Lee Fields has written: 'PERSONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL VARIABLES RELATED TO THE STRENGTH OF MENTORING RELATIONSHIPS IN NURSING (PERSONAL VARIABLES)' -- subject(s): Administration Education, Business Administration, General, Education, Administration, General Business Administration, Health Sciences, Nursing, Nursing Health Sciences

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There are many variables on personal shopper salaries.

How do the test variables and outcome variables in an experiment compare?

Test variables are the factors that are intentionally changed or manipulated by the researcher in an experiment, whereas outcome variables are the factors that are measured and affected by the test variables. Test variables are the independent variables that are controlled by the researcher, while outcome variables are the dependent variables that change in response to the test variables. The relationship between the test variables and outcome variables is explored to determine the effect of the test variables on the outcome variables.

How many variables are tested during an experiment?

There are three types of variables tested: manipulated variables, controlled variables, and experimental variables.

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.

What are variables that do not change in an experiment?

Variables that do not change in an experiment are independent variables.

The variables that do not change in an experiment are what?

Variables that do not change in an experiment are independent variables.

What are the three variables that play an important role in a Practical Investigation?

Independent Variables, Dependent Variables and Extraneous Variables.

What are explanatory variables in regression?

Explanatory (or independent) variables are variables such that changes in their value are thought to cause changes in the "dependent" variables.

What are stimulus variables?

Stimulus variables are variables that are part of the habitat that an organism reacts to. These variables can be natural parts of the area such as weather.