It is false.0.2 * 25 = 5, which has no decimal places.
It is: 9 and 25/60 = 9.417 hours rounded to 3 decimal places
Rounded to three decimal places, 25/8579 = 0.291 percent.
First, divide four by 100, and you will get 25. Next, move the decimal point two places to the left, and you will get 0.25 or .25 for your answer.
3.1415926535897932384626433832795 - is the value of Pi to 31 decimal places.
16.001*15 = 240.015 which is 3 decimal places
It is false.0.2 * 25 = 5, which has no decimal places.
To express 3.08 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal places. Since there are two decimal places in 3.08, we can write it as 3.08/1. To remove the decimal, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 100 to get rid of the decimal places, resulting in 308/100. Therefore, 3.08 as a fraction is 308/100, which can be simplified to 77/25.
It is: 9 and 25/60 = 9.417 hours rounded to 3 decimal places
Rounded to three decimal places, 25/8579 = 0.291 percent.
0.25 is the same as 25%. The easiest way to convert a decimal into a percent is to move the decimal point two places to the right. When you do that with 0.25 you get 25, so your answer is 25%.
0.25 is the same as 25%. The easiest way to convert a decimal into a percent is to move the decimal point two places to the right. When you do that with 0.25 you get 25, so your answer is 25%.