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Q: What are positive and negative correlation and why do they enable prediction?
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What is the best method for solving a set of two linear equations?

If this involves two equations both containing the same two unknowns, then multiply (or divide) one of the equations so that the absolute value of one of the unknowns is now the same in both equations. For example, x + 2y = 11 : 3x - 57 = 13 : Multiply the first equation by three, 3x + 6y = 33 so that the 'x' terms in this and the second equations are equal. In this example they both have the same (positive) sign - see below.If this unknown has identical signs (both are positive or both are negative) then subtract one equation from the other to eliminate that unknown.If this unknown has different signs (it is positive in one equation and negative in the other equation) then add the equations together to eliminate that unknown.This will enable the value of the remaining unknown to be determined and by substitution the value of the eliminated unknown can then be found.

What does a regression model predict about the dependent variable?

It gives a measure of the extent to which values of the dependent variable move with values of the independent variables. This will enable you to decide whether or not the model has any useful predictive properties (significance). It also gives a measure of the expected changes in the value of the dependent variable which would accompany changes in the independent variable. A regression model cannot offer an explanation. The fact that two variables move together does not mean that changes in one cause changes in the other. Furthermore it is possible to have very closely related variables which, because of a wrongly specified model, can show no correlation. For example, a LINEAR model fitted to y=x2 over a symmetric range for x will show zero correlation!

It's to also?

The question does not have enough information to enable me accurately answer it.

What is the function of a keyborad?

to enable you to get the language you want onto a monitor where you can see it

What is the statistics are used as a way to make an educated guess about the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable?

This is a rather confused question.The first issue is the assumption that there is an independent variable and a dependent variable. If your data comprise measurements of the height and mass (weight) of school children, which one is the independent variable? The answer is: neither. It is most likely to be age.A second issue is the very serious danger of confusing correlation with causality. Yes, statistics may show high correlation but that does not imply causality. A simplistic example from economics: correlation between companies with large profits and large investment in machinery. Profitability is required to enable the company to finance investment. Proper investment helps the company become more competitive and so generate more profits.Finally, consider the two variables X and Y. X is uniform on the interval [-p, p]; Y = X^2. The regression coefficient between X and Y is 0 but the relationship is far from non-existent. You need some educated guesses to find the correct statistics to make educated guesses!

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The change from negative to positive in an alternating current indicates a switch in direction of electron flow. This occurs when the flow of electrical charge in a circuit reverses periodically, creating oscillations. These changes in polarity enable the efficient transmission of electricity through power grids and enable devices to operate.

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enable you to get from point A to B, faster.

What is correlation and why does this enable prediction but not cause-effect relationships?

Correlation is an observation that two things happen at the same time (or happen in sequence). For example, you might observe that your neighbor Alphonse reads a newspaper and then goes to sleep. If this is a pattern that you have observed consistently, then the next time you observe Alphonse reading his newspaper, you can safely predict that he will then go to sleep. However, you do not know if reading a newspaper is what causes him to go to sleep. Possibly he would go to sleep at that time anyway, even if he did not have a newspaper. You have not established a cause and effect relationship.

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Yes. Indeed a Stock Market Prediction tool can be made. But if the question is how much of an accuracy that tool can be in terms of predicting. It depends on the logic used for prediction. Since there is no concrete logic that can enable stock market prediction, fuzzy logic would be the best thing to use for a Stock Market Prediction tool. A right mix of Fundamental and Technical Analysis powerd by a powerful neural network algorithm should be good recipie for a good Stock Market Prediction tool.

What does a capacitor store if the sum of charges of both capacitors is zero?

it may consist much of negative and positive chargeAnswerA capacitor stores energy within an electric field set up between its plates. It does not 'store' charage, as the net charge is the same both before and after the capacitor has been 'charged' (unfortunate use of the word!). What it does is to enable charge to be separated, with one plate then becoming negative with respect to the other, resulting in an electric field between the two plates.When we describe the 'amount of charge' on a capacitor, by convention, we mean the amount of negative charge stored on its negative plate, and not the sum of this and the amount of positive charge on its positive plate!

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A positive going pulse which is always generated when 8085 MPU begins the machine cycle?

ALE Address Latch Enable

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