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Q: What are positive externality and negtive externality?
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Externality - Negative Externality And Positive Externality the positive externality is a cause of a market failure because producers do not take the benefits of externality into account to society, therefore they under-produce the good that generates it , a negative externality happens where MSC > MSB. Factor Immobility And Market Power .

Is it true or false that noise pollution from a racetrack is an example of a positive externality?

False; noise pollution form a race track is not an example of positive externality. It is more likely an example of negative externality.

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What is true about an externality?

It can be either positive or negative.

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What is a positive externality?

an economic side effect that generates unexpected benefits

State one government policy measures that can be used to internalise a positive externality of production?

One government policy measure that can be used to internalise a positive externality of production is state intervention in trade activities.

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-52 (Negative X Negative = Positive) (Negative X Positive = Negative)

Is a beneficial side effect that affects an uninvolved third party?

positive externality