a type of array for prime and composite numbers. it is a tree which is divided into smaller and smaller prime numbers. usually at the end of the prime tree there is 2 or more (preferably less than 10) numbers. those numbers usually include 2,3,5,or7
the prime numbers less than 10 are 2,3,5,and 7?
A single digit prime number
a type of array for prime and composite numbers. it is a tree which is divided into smaller and smaller prime numbers. usually at the end of the prime tree there is 2 or more (preferably less than 10) numbers. those numbers usually include 2,3,5,or7
The prime number less than 10 that, when added to either 10 or 20, results in a prime number is 3. When you add 10 to 3, you get 13, which is a prime number. Similarly, when you add 20 to 3, you get 23, which is also a prime number.
You go through each number, starting with 2, 3, 4, ... and check if the number has any smaller factors. If it has no smaller factors, you conclude it is a prime number. Continue until you have 10 prime numbers.
the prime numbers less than 10 are 2,3,5,and 7?
Three is the prime number. Both 10 and 4 have factors other than themselves.
The greatest prime number less than 10 is 7. To have a difference, you need at least two values.
A single digit prime number