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The parallels of latitude and the meridians of longitude are all straight lines on the

Mercator projection. That's why Greenland looks bigger than South America.

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Q: What are shown as straight lines on a Mercator projection called?
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Related questions

What is the difference between mercator and Robinson projection?

the mercator projection lines are straight but the robinsons are curved

What is the advantage of Mercator projection?

The ability of the Mercator projection to allow straight and constant course lines. Or longitude and latitude lines.

What projection shows all lines of latitude and longitude as straight lines?

The Mercator projection does that.

The Mercator projection made life easier for early navigators because they could plot their compass bearings as straight lines What type of projection is a Mercator projection?


What is the advantage of a Mercator projection?

The Mercator projection preserves straight lines, making it useful for navigation. It also shows true direction, making it valuable for sailors and pilots. Additionally, it accurately represents shapes and angles near the equator.

On a globe the meridians converge toward the poles What is the pattern of meridians on the Mercator?

On a Mercator projection, meridians appear as straight, parallel lines running from top to bottom of the map, spaced evenly apart. This is because the Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection that preserves straight lines of constant bearing, resulting in meridians being stretched vertically towards the poles.

What is a map projection where the lines of longitude are parallel called?

That's true of the Mercator projection, among others.

How are the lines of longitude on the mercator projection different form the other two?

Lines of longitude on the Mercator projection are straight and evenly spaced, while on the other two projections (such as the Robinson or Winkel Tripel), they are curved and vary in spacing. This distortion in longitude is a trade-off for maintaining accurate shapes and angles on the Mercator projection.

N the 1500s gerardus mercator found a way to show the earths surface on pieces of paper?

Gerardus Mercator developed the Mercator projection in the 16th century, which is a cylindrical map projection that preserves straight lines. This projection became popular for navigation due to its ability to show lines of constant course as straight lines on the map. While it distorts the size of objects away from the equator, it is still widely used for world maps.

What type of projection is a mercator world map and what sets it apart from other projections?

The Mercator projection has straight meridians and parallels that intersect at right angles. Scale is true at the equator or at two standard parallels equidistant from the equator. The projection is often used for marine navigation because all straight lines on the map are lines of constant azimuth.

What is projection has parallel latitude lines and parallel longitude lines?

A projection with parallel latitude lines and parallel longitude lines is known as a cylindrical projection. This type of projection preserves the shape of features along the equator and distorts them towards the poles. Examples include the Mercator and Miller cylindrical projections.

The Mercator projection made life easier for early navigators because they could plot their compass bearings north south east and west as straight lines What type of projection is a Mercator project?

The Mercator projection is a cylindrical projection, where the meridians are equally spaced vertical lines and the parallels are horizontal lines parallel to the equator. It distorts the size of land masses as they get farther from the equator, making areas like Greenland appear much larger than they actually are.