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That's true of the Mercator projection, among others.

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Q: What is a map projection where the lines of longitude are parallel called?
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What is projection has parallel latitude lines and parallel longitude lines?

A projection with parallel latitude lines and parallel longitude lines is known as a cylindrical projection. This type of projection preserves the shape of features along the equator and distorts them towards the poles. Examples include the Mercator and Miller cylindrical projections.

What is difference between parallel and perspective projection in Computer Graphics?

Parallel projection does not produces realistic views whereas perspective projection produces realistic viewin parallel projection lines of projection are parallel whereas in perspective projection lines are not parallel and the point where these lines meets is called ceter of projection in case of perspective projection

Which type of map projection shows all latitude and longitude lines as parell?

The cylindrical map projection, such as the Mercator projection, shows all latitude and longitude lines as parallel. However, this projection distorts the size of land masses the further they are from the equator.

What map has parallel lines of latitude and longitude?

A map with parallel lines of latitude and longitude is known as a Mercator projection map. This type of map is often used for navigation purposes due to its representation of straight lines of latitude and longitude, making it easier to measure distances and plot courses. However, the Mercator projection distorts the size of landmasses, especially near the poles.

What type of projection has parallel lines of longitude which disappear near the poles?

Mercator is the type of projection which has parallel lines of longitude which disappear near the poles. The project in question also presents parallel lines of latitude even though the overall clarity gets distorted around both the North and South Poles.

Are the parallel lines on a globe called longitude or latitude lines?


What projection shows all lines of latitude and longitude as straight lines?

The Mercator projection does that.

Why are the lines of longitude not parallel?

Parallel lines, by definition, cannot meet. The lines of longitude meet at the Poles.

These are vertical lines parallel to the prime meridian?

Vertical lines parallel to the prime meridian are lines of longitude.

Why longitude lines are also called median?

meridians are imaginary lines that are not parallel to each other.

Lines of longitude are not parallel why?

because they merge at the poles... they seem to be parallel near the equtor region..n remenber parallel lines nver meet each other... n due to the shape of our earth these lines merge at poles...

What is another name for parallel lines?

latitude lines is another name for parallels and longitude lines are called meridians