

What are sides of war called?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: What are sides of war called?
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Not taking sides in a war is called neutrality

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What were the two sides in the war called?

Good and Evil

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They are called neutrals.

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Loyalists and Patriots

What is it called when both sides are tied in a war?

Stalemate; stand-off.

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Union And Confedarate

What is it called when a country does not take sides in the World War 1?

I dont konow

What was the 2 sides called in World War 2?

the humans vs the very magical elvess

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Both sides successfully called for volunteers

What were the two sides of the civi war called?

Union versus Confederate forces .

What were the 2 sides of World War 1 called?

The good guys (Us) and the bad guys(Them)