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Q: What were the two opposing sides called?
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Which parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides and no right angles?

A rhombus has two opposing acute angles (less than 90º) and two opposing obtuse (greater than 90º) angles, with the opposing sides being parallel and the sides being of equal length. A parallelogram can have the two acute angles and two obtuse angles, but have sides of different lengths. That is: two opposing sides shorter than the other two opposing sides. All angles total 360º

What are the two opposing sides in the battle of Rwanda?

The Hutu's and the Tutsi's

What has two pairs of opposite sides parallel?

A Parallelogram has 2 pairs of opposing sides that are parallel.

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Your mom was what they were called.

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What are three ways a rectangle and a square are alike?

They are both two dimensional. They only have right angles at line intersections. Opposing sides are parallel. Opposing sides are the same size.

What are three ways a rectangle and a square alike?

They are both two dimensional. They only have right angles at line intersections. Opposing sides are parallel. Opposing sides are the same size.

Does all rhombuses have right angles?

A rhombus has no right angles. A square and a rectangle have right angles. A rhombus is a four sided figure where all sides have the same length and with parallel opposing sides similar to a square. However, while a square has only right angles, a rhombus has two opposing acute angles and two opposing obtuse angles. A rhombus, like a square and rectangle, is a parallelogram, indicating that opposing sides are parallel. A rhombus, square, rectangle and trapezoid are all called quadrilaterals, meaning four sided.

Two opposing sides in the Battle of Gettysburg?

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What were the two opposing sides during the US Civil Wars?

the two sides during the US civil war were the union (North) and the confederacy (south)

Which two cabinet members often took opposing sides of issues?

hamilton and Jefferson