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Q: What are small circles on the earth?
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All points on the surface of earth that have latitude circles that are not zero are known as what circles?

Small circles

All points on the surface of Earth that have latitude circles that are not zero?

small circles

The body that's circles the earth is called?

The body that circles the Earth is called the Moon.

How are the earth moon and sun related to each other?

The moon circles around the earth; the earth circles around the sun.

Why does the earth circle?

Force of Gravity is why the earth circles.

What is difference between great circle and small circle?

A great circle is a circle on the surface of a sphere that has the same center as the sphere, while a small circle does not share the same center as the sphere. Great circles have the largest circumference of all circles on a sphere, whereas small circles have smaller circumferences. The equator is an example of a great circle on Earth, while lines of latitude other than the equator are examples of small circles.

How do you put 7 small circles in 3 big ones so that each big circle as 4 small circles?

Draw three circles that touch in a shape of a circle. Draw two small circles in each big one and another in the intersection. It is supposed to be a Venn Diagram.

How did Ptolemy explain planet motion?

Ancient astronmers used shell theory. The earth was center, then came the moon, planets and sun, then other stars. At first it was a circular system. It seemed more "perfect", that degenerated into ellipses as the mathematics didn't work out.

What is the name of the line on the map that circles the middle of the earth?


Which is bigger the earth or the moon?

The Moon, which circles our earth is 3,476 km in diameterPlanet Earth is 12,742 in diameterThe moon which circles the earth is 3,476 km in diameter.Planet Earth is 12,742 in diameter.

Why are lines of longitude called great circles?

Because they make big circles around the Earth.

What circles the earth at its largest circumference?

The equator.