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it shows the function of things

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Q: What are some advantages of a function table in math?
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What are some advantages of a math frequency table?

you can read it easily

What is some advantages when you see a rule function rather than listing function values on a table?

When you see the actual function (e.g. f(x) = ...) you can know what each input corresponds to, and can construct any table. If you are given just the table, you cannot always predict the function correctly, since the function the table seems to represent does not necessarily have to be that function. For example, it might seem that x : f(x) -2 -4 -1 -2 0 0 1 2 2 4 would correspond to f(x) = 2x, but this is not necessarily the case. There could be some arbitrary function that just happens to contain those five points.

What is the definition of frequency table in math terms?

It is a table which shows a set of values that some variable takes and the number of times that it takes those values.

What were some of Charles Babbage math problems he created?

The Table of Logarithms of the Natural Numbers from 1 to 108000.

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Depends on the number of people who are coming to the occasion if you don't know then you have to do some math

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What are the advantages of small microwaves?

Some advantages to owning a small microwave are: They are cheaper than regular microwaves, they take up less space, will require less electricity to function.

What are some of the advantages of using a hierachical IP addressing model?

Reduced number of routing table entries, Efficient allocation of addresses

What are 4 ways to represent a function?

Input/output table, description in words, Equation, or some type of graph

What are the advantages of a high cholesterol diet?

I'm no doctor but there actually are some advantages to a high cholesterol diet. Cholesterol aids in the function of cell strength and regulates blood pressure in the body.

What are math extremes?

In short, math extreme is the highest (or lowest) value of a math function on an interval (a,b). For example, function y=x2 has minimum (extreme) for x=0 on interval (minus infinity, plus infinity). Similarly, function y=-x2 has maximum (extreme) for x=0 on the same interval. Some functions have multiple extremes, which are called local extremes, but this is enough for basic understanding of the principle.

What are 3 ways other than words to represent a function?

Input/output table, Equation, or some type of graph