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Q: What are some advantages of using the graphical method of vector resolution?
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When solving vector addition problem you can either the graphical method or the?

analytical method.

When solving a vector addition problems you can use either the graphical method or?

analytical method.

When solving vector addition problems you can use either the graphical method or the .?

analytical method.

The correct answer using the graphical method and analytical method of vector addition will always be identical?

A. True

When solving vector addition problems you can use either the graphical method or the what?

You can use the graphical method or the trigonometric method to solve vector addition problems. The graphical method involves drawing vectors to scale and measuring their resultant vector, while the trigonometric method involves breaking down vectors into their components and using trigonometric functions to find the resultant vector.

Graphical method in solving vectors?


How do you describe the resultant computed using the graphical method from that of the component method?

You describe the resultant computed using the graphical method by connecting the vectors head to tail. The difference from the tail of the first one to the head of the last one is the resultant vector. To determine resultant vector with the component method you use the formula x(squared) + y(squared) = R (squared).

What is resolution of vector?

Spliting up of vector into its rectangular components is called resolution of vector

What are the methods in determining the resultant vector?

The two main methods for determining the resultant vector of two or more vectors are graphical and algebraic methods. In the graphical method, vectors are drawn to scale with appropriate angles and then the resultant vector is measured. In the algebraic method, vector components are added or subtracted using trigonometric functions to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

What is parallelogram method?

The parallelogram method is a graphical technique used in vector addition. It involves constructing a parallelogram using the two vectors to be added, with the diagonal of the parallelogram representing the resultant vector. The magnitude and direction of the resultant vector can be determined from the properties of the parallelogram.

What two methods can you use when solving vector addition?

You can use the graphical method, which involves drawing vectors on a coordinate system and adding them tip-to-tail to find the resultant vector. Alternatively, you can use the component method, breaking each vector into its horizontal and vertical components and adding them separately to find the resultant vector.

What are the sample problems for graphical and analytical method?

Graphical method sample problem: Find the solution to the system of equations: 2x + 3y = 12 x - y = 3 Analytical method sample problem: Solve the system of equations using substitution method: 3x + 2y = 11 4x - 5y = -7