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The most obvious is to plot relationships between one quantity and another. If for every thing you sell, you make 3 dollars, then you could express that as the equation y=3x and plot that using the Cartesian coordinate system. (where y would represent dollars and x would represent items sold)

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Q: What are some applications of the Cartesian coordinate system?
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What is the cartesian coordnate system?

The cartesian coordinate system is the basic coordinate system people are familiar with. If you were to plot a basic X Y graph, where X and Y increase towards infinity, you are graphing in the cartesian coordinate system. There are a few other popular coordinate systems for more advanced math, but they are rarely used by most people. (polar coordinate system is common for some calculus equations)

What is a Cartesian graph and what does it represent?

A cartesian graph is a graph in which y is some function of x. This is the 'normal' type in which you can give an x and y coordinate. Other types include polar in which modulus is a function of argument, but there are loads of varieties and forms.

Where did René Descartes get the idea of the Cartesian coordinate system?

It is claimed thaht he got his inspiration while in bed - and watching a fly (or some bug) on the ceiling. He worked out that he could describe the bug's position on the ceiling using coordinates. And the rest, as they say, is history.

What is your reflection on Cartesian coordinate system?

The reflection of a shape is defined with respect to some specified line. None is specified. If one were specified, the reflection of an object would be the set of points such that the line was exactly half-way between each point in the original shape and its reflection.

What does graph mean as a mathematical word?

The word graph can be used either as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it means a picture or visualization of some mathematical term or relationship. The most usual type of graph is the Cartesian coordinate system invented by the great French mathematician, René Descartes, but there are several other types. As a verb, to graph is to depict in the form of a graph, as in, graph that equation.

Related questions

What is the cartesian coordnate system?

The cartesian coordinate system is the basic coordinate system people are familiar with. If you were to plot a basic X Y graph, where X and Y increase towards infinity, you are graphing in the cartesian coordinate system. There are a few other popular coordinate systems for more advanced math, but they are rarely used by most people. (polar coordinate system is common for some calculus equations)

What is the need for conversion of polar coordinate to Cartesian coordinate?

Some problems are easier to solve using polar coordinates, others using Cartesian coordinates.

What are some stuff named after Rene Descartes?

Some things named after René Descartes include the Cartesian coordinate system used in mathematics, the Descartes' rule of signs in algebra, and the Cartesian diver in physics. Additionally, there are numerous schools, streets, and institutions around the world named after him.

What is a Cartesian graph and what does it represent?

A cartesian graph is a graph in which y is some function of x. This is the 'normal' type in which you can give an x and y coordinate. Other types include polar in which modulus is a function of argument, but there are loads of varieties and forms.

Where did René Descartes get the idea of the Cartesian coordinate system?

It is claimed thaht he got his inspiration while in bed - and watching a fly (or some bug) on the ceiling. He worked out that he could describe the bug's position on the ceiling using coordinates. And the rest, as they say, is history.

What is your reflection on Cartesian coordinate system?

The reflection of a shape is defined with respect to some specified line. None is specified. If one were specified, the reflection of an object would be the set of points such that the line was exactly half-way between each point in the original shape and its reflection.

What is dimension of center of mass?

'Centre of mass' is a place, i.e. a point, in space. It can be described by its coordinates . . . lengths (x, y, z) in Cartesian coordinates, or some combination of lengths and angles in other coordinate systems.

Where is the position of an object?

The position of an object is its location in space relative to a reference point or coordinate system. It is typically described using coordinates or distance measurements in one, two, or three dimensions.

What does graph mean as a mathematical word?

The word graph can be used either as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it means a picture or visualization of some mathematical term or relationship. The most usual type of graph is the Cartesian coordinate system invented by the great French mathematician, René Descartes, but there are several other types. As a verb, to graph is to depict in the form of a graph, as in, graph that equation.

Who is the french mathematician that invented Cartesian coordinate plane?

Rene Descartes, the surname means ( some charts or some maps) Descartes theorized than any equation can be expressed in graphical form, form follows family names! Descartes and the Cartesian idea became associated with the Cartesian diver, a toy deep-see diver that rises and falls owing to buoyancy and openings in the diver figure. It is probable this came along long after the death of M Descartes, but was bestowed in an honorary fashion- as were many of the (Inventions) of Leonardo Da Vinc i and closer to home, Franklin.

What is the term for the vertical line on a coordinate plane?

"The" vertical line is wrong; there are lots of vertical lines on a coordinate plane. In the usual x-y coordinate system, such a line has an equation of the form:x = a (for some constant "a"); for example: x = 3

Can an angle be negative?

Visually it doesn't make sense for an angle to be negative. However we often measure angles off of some axis, such as the x-axis, and positive angles go around counter-clockwise, while negative angles go around clockwise. Outside of the context of a Cartesian Coordinate system (x-y plane), negative angles don't generally make sense.