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Q: What are some facts about Fibonacci's rabbit theory?
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Your theory sounds vacuous to me; show me some facts.

What is colloquial theory?

A colloquial theory is an evolved form of a hypothesis that links facts together. The difference between this and a scientific theory, however, is that a colloquial theory still implies some doubt and speculation.

Do you think it's wise for scientists not to accept a theory immediately even if the theory has a lot of evidence to support it?

Each scientists have there own opinion. Some accept theories and some have to have facts.

Does fact required for a theory?

Theories tend to Remain a Pseudo Fact, until proven otherwise, the theorist, is under no obligation to Prove his Theory, which makes anyone capable of writing a Theory, without using any Facts whatsoever. Of course it's always advisable to throw a few facts around within the Theory, to add some Credibility to your Theory. Remember if you could prove a theory as Fact, then it would no longer be a Theory, but a Fact.

What a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.

Who theorized the triangle?

No one. A triangle is not a theory. The mathematics of a triangle are not theories they are facts. Some people that showed this to be so are Pythagoras and Euclid.

What would be an example of a scientific theory?

any belief in science that is plausible and for the most part has some evidence, but we aren't sure of being 100% true, would be a theory. for example, the theory of relativity, darwin's theory of evolution, etc.

Where do you I find the rabbit ears?

Some rabbit ear in their head. Some in their back of fur :]

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Because they are based more on theory than numbers and facts

What was some of the issues in rabbit proof fence?

They are rabbit proof.

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What are some interactions that a rabbit has?

Rabbits interact through grooming, playing, hopping, thumping, and nuzzling with other rabbits or humans. They also communicate using body language, vocalizations, and scent marking to establish social hierarchies and relationships within their group.