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Q: What are some jobs using geometric transformations?
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A theorem is proved using a geometric proof true or faulse?

Neither true nor false. Some theorems can be proven using geometric arguments and methods, others cannot.

Using straightedge and compass to make geometric figures?

Some are possible, others are not.

What jobs require using algebra patterns and functions?

Some jobs that need Algebra are chemistry.

What are some advantages to using the coordinate plane for transformation?

Transformations can be represented by simple algebraic functions. This allows you to study the transformed figure with ease.

What are some jobs or careers that involve using square roots?

some jobs that acquire square roots and squared numbers are physicist and architect

What are some examples of geometric?

There aren't any. Geometric is an adjective and you need a noun to go with it before it is possible to consider answering the question. There are geometric sequences, geometric means, geometric theories, geometric shapes. I cannot guess what your question is about.

What is a synonym for geometric?

Although there is no precise synonym for geometric, in some cases you might use Euclidean.

What are some geometric terms that begin with letter R?

Right angle and rectangle are geometric terms.

Why is by product of energy transformations?

The byproduct of energy transformations is heat, which is released into the environment. This is due to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that some energy will always be converted into an unusable form (in this case, heat) during energy transformations.

What are some jobs people in Africa can do using africas natural resources?

some jobs people in Africa could do with natural resource's is they can sell the wood they cut down from the tress.

What are some jobs that include infinite geometric series?

fashion designer interior designer animator mathematics teacher plumber game developer computer-aid design hope that helped have a good day

Is a shield a geometric shape?

A shield consists of many geometric shapes. Depending on the shield it can contain arcs and triangles. Most objects contain some type of geometric shape.