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techology cooking walking shooping and everyday things like the one i listed .

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Q: What are some modern uses of math that you use today?
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What is the different between traditional math with modern math?

It is different because modern math sometimes uses calculators and traditional math did not have calculators.I think that they used abacuses or other methods such as your fingers

What is asbestos used for in today's modern technologies?

Asbestos is not used in today's modern technologies. Currently, most of the Western and Developed world have banned all uses of Asbestos.

Is the math of Sir Isaac Newton is still used today?

yes, almost everything taught in calculus classes today and anything in variable motion uses the math he developed. or liebniz... another story completely.

How does modern warfare 2 use math?

The game uses math for when you get killstreaks. You have to count how many kills you got to see how many more you need for the reward. The is math in a way of algebra. The amount of kills you get and leveling up use math for the exp.

What is the most important study?

Math is the most important study because everything in this modern world is related and uses math.Without there would have nothing.I wonder how would this world be without math.

How jobs use math?

Almost every job uses some math. The type and amount depend on the job. If you find a job that never uses any math, we suspect that the pay rate for that job and the people hired to do it are both perfectly matched to the total absence of math.

What are some of the uses of the Pythagorean Theorem today?

Architecture of buildings

What uses a pic chip?

some modern car that are made in the 2000s

What are the uses of hydroelectric energy today?

Hydroelectric energy is electricity and is put on the national grid for use by the public. It is used for pretty much every modern process of anything, in some way or another.

What are some ways that a vet technician uses math?

Veterinary technicians use math to calculate drug dosages and fluid rates on a daily basis.

Why is math fun?

Math is fun because it's instinctual to humans. Numbers are everywhere: Five fingers, two feet, one nose! Some people don't find math fun, but everyone uses math.

What is the modern uses of neptunium?

Some uses of neptunium: - component of high energy neutron detectors - precursor for the preparation of 238Pu