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there are some negative effects of later school start times:

  • late finish
  • fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • don't get be out in the daylight as much

they are just some of the negative effects, there are some more.

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Q: What are some negative affects of later school start times?
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Why shouldn't school start later in the day?

School starts early so that people can get can get a day start and kids can have food. They also start early so that parents can go to work and kids will not be along and so that school can let out early.

Should school start later in the day?

No. The school does not set the time or ending of the school day and has no control over it. The times are set by the state and the state audits the school down to the second to make sure they comply with the state mandate. If a school started later they would have to go later in the day to make up the time.

How many middle school kids want school to start late?

Most likely most of them do, but what they don't know is that the school doesn't set the hours the state does and they get picky about it with counting minutes. Each school has a set number of days and minutes in the school day and an auditor checks to make sure that these are met by the school. If they aren't the school has to make up the time or day. Should a school start later it would get out later.

Why shouldn't school days start later?

school days shouldn't start later due to the fact we need a balanced amount of time in school. If school started later then we may have to get dismissed from school later. Having school at a later time also prepares students for the real world. Getting up for work is much easier when your used to getting up for school. If we push back school eventually the future generations will argue that the new time is too early until we have school late at night. The real issue is not getting enough sleep at night. If students could balance out sleep then they wouldn't feel the need to leave for school later. Not all students sleep in school, only the ones who didn't go to sleep at a reasonable hour.

What is a good essay title for a paper on why school should start later?

"Advocating for Later School Start Times: Enhancing Student Health and Academic Performance"

Why shouldn't kids get out of school earlier?

cause they need more sleep and should have school start later, and then the day would be too short.

What are good reason why school should start later?

No good reason. The school does not set the time or ending of the school day and has no control over it. The times are set by the state and the state audits the school down to the second to make sure they comply with the state mandate. If a school started later they would have to go later in the day to make up the time.