The basic definition of a Cubic Mile or 13mile is 1 mile wide by 1 mile long by 1 mile tall. So 1 mile long
Some objects that is a rectangle shape is a door, a long window, a refrigator, tables, computer, ruler, phone and a photo frame
A full running track is a mile long.
2 mintes
1 mile = 1.6093 kilometers 1 kilometer = 0.6214 mile
The basic definition of a Cubic Mile or 13mile is 1 mile wide by 1 mile long by 1 mile tall. So 1 mile long
Because if it were not, it would not be a mile!
a meter stick
One example of something that is a mile long is the standard running track, which measures 1,609.34 meters or 1 mile in circumference. Another example is a typical rural road that stretches for a mile in length. Additionally, some rivers, like the Mississippi River in the United States, can be a mile wide at certain points.
Some objects that is a rectangle shape is a door, a long window, a refrigator, tables, computer, ruler, phone and a photo frame
Mile-Long Bridge was created in 1958.
Just as long as any other METRIC mile.
30 mile
3/4 of a mile on a mile track
Yes, the word 'pile' is a long I word. Some other words with the same long I sound are pine and mile.
1 mile = 1,760 yards
a full mile is 5,280 feet