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Temperature in cold areas are negative. Below sea level is negative altitude. Degrees left on the world coordinates.

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Q: What are some of the everyday uses of negative numbers?
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There are multiple uses and application of negative numbers. They are used on a daily basis when describing temperature and in banking. For example, an overdrawn balance will be reported in negative amounts.

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Yes, because you use math in everyday life. And counting is math ,because there numbers and numbers are apart of math.

What are some of the everyday uses of negative integers?

divers use it to calculate how far below sea level they are, you also use them for temperature, and business(profit, loss, etc.)

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1) Surveying; 2} Architecture; 3)

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Uses of negative integers in every day life?

One common use is temperature when it is very cold. We commonly talk about negative numbers degrees as a temperatures when it is below zero.