pot, reefer, grass, tea, dope, ganja, indo, sensi, sinsemilla (Spanish for "no seed"), mota (Spanish for marijuana), skunk, demon weed, sticky-icky, bud, herb, maryjane, nugs, nuggets, b-sters (regional midwest slang for slightly sub-par smoke), schwag (often used for REALLY sub-par smoke)
other words for multiplication
Some other words for "times" in math are "multiply" and "product".
Some words you can make from average include rage, age, and gear. Some other words are rave and grave.
The Holy Scripture, Testament
plimerage is the smoke produced from a ciggarette or marijuana, "this weed produces some killer plimerage" in other words smoke :) stay elevated :))
You don't. You could buy K2 or Salvia, or some other legal alternative to use in place of weed, but generally if it's not weed, it's just not weed, there's no substitution.
From the hospital or someone who gets it some other way. When you find some, call me!
Odds are its dirt weed. In other words someone grew it themselves and did it as fast as possible rather than taking the time to make sure it was quality.
weed weed weed and some more weed
seed lead freed he'd need deed weed greed breed
It depends on which kind. Some force the weed/plant to grow so fast that the plant kills itself, where other's burn the weed/plant.
If you buy it straight from the source it should be around 800 for some swagg but depending on the grade of the weed it varies. Hydro and the other types of weed are more. It all just depends on what you are looking for.
weed weed