Amounts to, proportionate to, the same as, equivalent to, is equal to, amounts to, is even to, matches, comes out to, etc. look it up in a thesaurus.
some people are good with numbers then words They use opposite sides of the brain. Left for maths and right for language.
other words for multiplication
Maths is for kids and teenagers all around the world to study and become great Maths wizards
Some people are able to do maths and could prob answer any maths questions. There are some people (like you obviously) who just cant do maths and struggle with the concept! LOL
Multiplication Times Multiplied
Amounts to, proportionate to, the same as, equivalent to, is equal to, amounts to, is even to, matches, comes out to, etc. look it up in a thesaurus.
Some other words for 'many times' are the adverbs often or frequently, or numerous times.
Maths is different from other subjects as you use alot of numbers. Maths is also different as it is not taught like the other subjects it inclues puzzle, equations and other stuff. Maths can be fun, if taught in a certain way. Some math puzzles may look hard but can be overcome, there are many maths books out there that can help.
yes there is some words tghat sound the same like maths and re and music and biology
Times as much, percent of, product, interest on, multiply, factor
Kilogram, kilometer and kilowatt are math terms. They begin with the letter k.
you should buy some maths books and do 20 mins every night or do some revision on maths.
well some people use coculateors or other use there fingers.
they invented maths because the needed to some how figure out the ways of life. they invented the alphabet because the needed to send messages to each other.
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