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Q: What are some possible outcomes when the order of operations is ignored?
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Do you divide to find the probability?

Yes, you divide the number of expected outcomes by the number of possible outcomes in order to determine probability.

If you toss a coin 5 times how many outcomes are there?

For a coin toss, there are 2 possible outcomes (heads or tails). For five tosses, therefore, there are 25 possible outcomes (25 = 32). However, this assumes that order is important (i.e. that HtttH is different to tHtHt). If you don't care what order the heads or tails fall in, there are only 6 outcomes.

If you flip a coin 4 times how many possible outcomes are there?

There are 24 = 16 ordered outcomes, that is outcomes in which the order of the results is relevant. If not, there are 5 outcomes (0 heads, 1 head, 2 heads, 3 heads and 4 heads).

How many outcomes are possible of a coin is tossed 3 times?

It depends on the definition of an outcome. If you care about the order of the tosses, <br /> you get 2 possible outcomes per toss. Three tosses give you 2*2*2=8 possible outcomes. If you only care about the final number of heads and tails, there are 4 possible outcomes (3 heads, 2 heads and a tail, a head and two tails, or 3 tails).

What is the fundamental counting principal of tossing 4 coins?

For each of the coins, in order, you have two possible outcomes so that there are 2*2*2*2 = 16 outcomes in all.

What are synonyms and antonyms for order of operations?

Not all words have synonyms and/or antonyms. What word could possibly have a meaning opposite to 'order of operations'? Possible synonyms could be heuristic or algorithm.

Why do you need to agree on an order of operations?

Agreeing on an order of operations ensures consistent results in mathematical expressions. Without a specific order, different people could interpret the same expression in different ways, leading to confusion and incorrect outcomes. Following a standard order of operations, such as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), helps to maintain clarity and accuracy in mathematical calculations.

A class has 8 students who are to be assigned seating by a lot What is the probability that the students will be arranged in order shortest to tallest assume that no two students are the same height?

first you have to keep in mind that probability is # of favorable outcomes/ # of possible outcomes. we already know (given that no two students are the same height) that there is only 1 possible way to order the students from shortest to tallest therefore, we have established that we have 1/# of possible outcomes. to find the number of possible outcomes you take 8 factorial. 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 40320. now you have the # of favorable over # of possible = 1/40320 = .0000248015873 = 2.48015873 E-5.

If you toss 5 fair coins how many possible outcomes are in the sample space?

Assuming order is irrelevant, 2^5, or 2*2*2*2*2 or 32 possible combos.

What are the Possible outcomes of tossing four coins at once?

Each coin can come out either heads (H) or tales (T). Since you're tossing four coins at once, I'm assuming there is no sense of order to be accounted for. In that case, the possible outcomes are the following: HHHH HHHT HHTT HTTT TTTT

How many possible outcomes if you toss a coin four times?

all headsall tails3 heads 1 tail3 tails and 1 head2h and 2ti think only 5 but that's just what i can get===============================================The above answer is correct if you disregard the order of the outcomes.If the order of the outcomes matters, then the answer is:2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16since each toss has two possible outcomes (assuming the coin cannot land on its side) and you repeat the toss four times.