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Q: What are some real life example of continuity?
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Ir is in some people's real life. Example: millions of students that want to pass algebra.

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steam from your kettle that turns to water on your window!!

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A GLASS ----- \ / * \_/ something like this one *there will be some space between this

What is a real life example of a trapezoid?

There are several real life examples of a trapezoid that can be found every day. Some are women's handbags, metal garage buildings, and the trusses of a bridge.

What are some examples of an acute angle in real life?

One example I know is an ice cream cone.

Why is the postal office is a real life example of Golgi body?

The postal office takes in stuff, hides some and ejects some.

What is verb for conclusion?

Conclude is the verb for conclusion. Example: I will conclude my presentation by giving some real-life examples.

In real life situation can use of decile?

Oh, dude, deciles are just a way to divide data into 10 equal parts, like slicing a pizza into ten slices. You can totally use deciles in real life situations, like ranking students based on test scores or dividing income levels into groups. It's basically just a fancy word for splitting things up into tenths.

You mature gradually, but do some things, like graduate from high school, all at once. The difference is an example of?

Continuity vs stages :)