If someone loans you 50 dollars, which you then spend, you will owe them 50 dollars which could be represented as you having -50 dollars.
If you are at an elevation of 0 feet above sea level, then dive below the water 50 feet, your elevation would be -50 feet.
Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.
yes it is
A coordinate graph is a graph of pairs of numbers that represent real-life situations.
Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.
I don't know what you're asking, really. But if you're asking if abstract ART represents reality or real life situations, i would say real life situations.
Practical Application of Knowledge: The process of using classroom-based theoretical knowledge in real-life situations during study tours.
how theory of probability used in real life
in cookbooks and recipes
yes it is
buying food
A coordinate graph is a graph of pairs of numbers that represent real-life situations.
To practice to guard yourself in real life situations