

What are some things that graphs cannot?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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13y ago

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it can not show itself

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Q: What are some things that graphs cannot?
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What are a graphs advantages?

There are a few good things about graphs. Graphs help gather data making it easier for people to short things out.

How are some of the graphs of cubic equations different?

The question cannot be answered without knowing what they are meant to be different from!

What can be inferred from the information in the two circles graphs?

This question cannot be answered without the circle graphs provided.

Why do you need graphs?

Graphs help you see relationships in things such as inflation in money, or rising population.

What can graphs reveal that data tables cannot?

graph can reveal patterns or trend that words and date tables cannot -from derek

What are 2 graphs that compare 2 sets of data?

Bar graphs can compare two sets of data, as well as line graphs and circle graphs. To better improve my answer, double line graphs and double bar graphs compare two sets of data. Circle graphs cannot however, because they compare parts of a whole instead of, as a bar graph would, the amount of something. A circle graph is also incapable of showing data growth over a period of time, as line graphs do. All in all, circle graphs cannot compare to sets of data, and bar graphs and line graphs must be doubled to do so.

Which graph shows that you are comparing things?

All graphs compare things.

Importance of graphs?

to help measue or balance things.

Do graphs show you patterns over time?

Some graphs do, but some don't. It depends upon the variables.

What are some nonrepresentational graphs?

tables, diagrams, bar graphs, forms, maps

How do circle graphs hep compare different groups of data?

Circle graphs, or pie charts compare the percentage of different things.

Why are graph important?

GRAphs r important becuz u use things 2 estiamte so u use graphs