

What are stabilizers on a plane?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What are stabilizers on a plane?
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What are the horizontal stabilizers on a plane and how do they work?

the horizantal stablers are used to control the planes . i think o.0 - Rhazhaa Nickolee

How many engines does a jet plane have?

Depending on the size of the jet, the amount of engines may vary between 2 and 4 (on most commercial aircraft) The engines can be fixed to the wings, integrated in the tail, or above the stabilizers in the rear of the plane.

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It's a 'hybrid'.....for the movie. A fugelage like a DC-6, twin jets UNDER the tail stabilizers...never a real aircraft.

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There are four sets of stabilizers and the rear stairs lower down to act as the rear stabilizers.

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Lift is what ultimatly causes the plane to take off. When a plane get up to take off speed, that means the wings are generating enough lift to lift the plane up. The pilot will change the planes angle of attack with the elevators (located on the horizontal stabilizers) to the wind which forces engine thrust to push the plane into the air.

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Vaccine stabilizers are chemicals that are added to vaccines to inactivate a virus or bacteria and stabilize the vaccine, helping to preserve the vaccine and prevent it from losing its potency over time.

Why do airplanes have tails?

The small pair of wings at the back are called the horizontal stabilizers. It steadies they add lift to the back of the plane. they also have things at the back of them called the elevators, which coltrol the pitch of the airplane. The thing sticking up is called the vertical stabilizer. It steadies the airplane. At the back of it is the rudder. it controls the yaw of the plane. So, basically, without them, a plane would spin out of control, or actually never have any control. That's why airplane's have tails

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