A suture is the name given to the stitches used to close a wound or during an operation. The suture lines are the line of sutures used that remain visible even after the sutures have been removed.
VERTICAL LINES-lines that are at right angle and or perpendicular to a plane.HORIZONTAL LINES-lines that are parallel to the horizon.ANGULAR LINES-lines that have sharp edges. They can be long or short.CURVE LINES-lines that are without angles.SLANTING OR DIAGONAL-lines that suggest action or movement.JAGGED LINES-lines that are harsh and unpleasant.
Hi The different types of Alphabet of lines are:-Visible.-cutting plane lines.-Short breaking lines.-Border lines.-Invisible lines .-Ditto or hidden lines.-Center lines.-Long break lines.-Section lines.-Dimension lines
VERTICAL LINES-lines that are at right angle and or perpendicular to a plane. HORIZONTAL LINES-lines that are parallel to the horizon. ANGULAR LINES-lines that have sharp edges. They can be long or short. CURVE LINES-lines that are without angles. SLANTING OR DIAGONAL-lines that suggest action or movement. JAGGED LINES-lines that are harsh and unpleasant.
Lines with no slope are horizontal lines or flat lines
#1. Spiral Lines #2. Concave Lines #3. Horizontal Lines #4. Diagonal Lines #5. Vertical Lines #6. Broken Lines #7. Zigzag Lines #8. Concave Lines #9. Broken Lines I don't know the 10th but I am gonna research it . . .
The squamous suture connects the parietal and temporal bones in the skull.
The suture that goes in between the two parietal bones (left and right) is called the saggital suture. That is the main suture that runs in the middle of the top of your head. The parietal bones articulate with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture and with the temporal bones (left and right where the ears are), at the squamosal suture. Finally the parietal bones both meet with the frontal bone at the coronal suture. But the main suture between the parietals again is the saggital suture.Lambdoidal suture connects the two parietal bones together.
The sagittal suture is most likely to contain sutural bones. Sutural bones are small bones found within the sutures of the skull, and the sagittal suture is the largest and most complex cranial suture which can exhibit these bones.
Splenorrhaphy is the medical term meaning surgical suture of the spleen.
The four major sutures of the skull are the coronal suture (between the frontal and parietal bones), the sagittal suture (between the two parietal bones), the lambdoid suture (between the parietal and occipital bones), and the squamous suture (between the parietal and temporal bones).
Suture - album - was created in 2000.
Suture, nurture, computer.
-rraphy means suture
A lost suture, also called a wandering suture, is a suture that has migrated to outside of the oral cavity.
The transverse palatine suture connects the maxillary bone to the palatine bone. This suture forms the hard plate in mouth.
No, "chromic gut suture" is not capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence. It is a type of suture material.
No, the intermaxillary suture is different from the medial palatine suture. The intermaxillary suture refers to the joint between the two maxillary bones in the midline of the skull. On the other hand, the medial palatine suture is the joint between the two palatine bones in the midline of the hard palate.