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Q: What are the 2 things the trachea is divided into?
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What two things is the trachea divided into to take in air out of both lungs?

it is the bronchi

What two pathways are divided by the epiglottis?

The esophagus (food tube) and the trachea (wind pipe).

Is division communitive?

No, it matters the order of things. 2 divided by 6 is NOT the same as 6 divided by 2 (Unlike Multiplication which is communitive)

Branches of trachea?

The branches of trachea include: the right main bronchus and the left main bronchus. The trachea begins immediately below the larynx.

How Wide is the trachea?

The trachea is about 2-3 cm in diameter and 10-12 cm in length in adults.

What holds open the trachea?

Two things hold the trachea open 1. air pressure 2. Cartilidge rings that the trachea is made of catilaginous rings. If a patient has had a tracheostomy and the cannula (the plastic device that keeps the trachea open) is removed, the area is covered with gauze and will close on its own in time. Hope this helps A RN in NJ Source: Experience, and teaching....most of all my head

Your trachea and bronchi are lined with these two things?

cilliated squamous epithellium cells

What cavity contains the heart and lungs?

There are 2 main cavities in the body: ventral and dorsal.Dorsal is divided into 2: cranial and spinalVentral is divided into: thoracic and abdominopelvicThoracic is divided into 3:*pleural (holds lungs)*pericardial (holds heart)*mediastinum (holds trachea and esophagus)Abdominopelvic is divided into 2:*abdominal (holds liver, stomach, gall bladder)*pelvic (holds colon, bladder, and reproductive organs)Cardiothoracic is the grab name taken by the surgeons who specialize in this important area.

Does trachea divides into the right and left bronchi?

yes whic are called braonchi

How can you distinguish the trachea visually?

The trachea is a tubular structure located in the neck and chest area, just below the larynx (voice box). It is made up of cartilage rings that give it a rigid structure. The trachea can often be visually distinguished by its position in the midline of the neck and the rings of cartilage that run lengthwise along its surface.

Is 10 divided by 4 equal to 5 divided by 2?

In base 10 and above: Yes(if you are dividing commutative things like scalars (numbers) but not if you have vectors.)

Plural and singular for trachea?

The singular for trachea is "trachea". The plural is "tracheae".