There are many formulae in trigonometry, not just three. So the question cannot be answered without knowing which three you mean.
The distance formula using Pythagorean theorem: trig values trig formulas triangle abc trigonometric concepts trigonometric formulas.
It depends what you need to calculate. There are various formulas for this. It is a branch of mathematics called trigonometry.
Trigonometry is the study of plane and spherical triangles. Plane trigonometry deals with 2 Dimensional triangles like the ones you would draw on a piece of paper. But, spherical trigonometry deals with circles and 3 Dimensional triangles. Plane trigonometry uses different numbers and equations than spherical trigonometry. There's plane trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a flat surface, then there's spherical trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a sphere.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry
The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.
Loads and loads of formulas. That's trigonometry. ;-)
The distance formula using Pythagorean theorem: trig values trig formulas triangle abc trigonometric concepts trigonometric formulas.
It depends what you need to calculate. There are various formulas for this. It is a branch of mathematics called trigonometry.
Trigonometry is the study of plane and spherical triangles. Plane trigonometry deals with 2 Dimensional triangles like the ones you would draw on a piece of paper. But, spherical trigonometry deals with circles and 3 Dimensional triangles. Plane trigonometry uses different numbers and equations than spherical trigonometry. There's plane trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a flat surface, then there's spherical trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a sphere.
Two types of trigonometry are recognized: planar and spherical. Planar is 2-dimensional, while spherical is 3-dimensional. Though these are different fields, spherical trigonometry is really just an application of planar trigonometry in several planes.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry
The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.
Use trigonometry
1) Surveying; 2} Architecture; 3)
It means the measurements and properties of 3 sided shapes such as triangles
There are several topics under the broad category of trigonometry. * Angle measurements * Properties of angles and circles * Basic trigonometric functions and their reciprocals and co-functions * Graphs of trigonometric functions * Trigonometric identities * Angle addition and subtraction formulas for trigonometric functions * Double and half angle formulas for trigonometric functions * Law of sines and law of cosines * Polar and polar imaginary coordinates.
It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.