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There are many formulae in trigonometry, not just three. So the question cannot be answered without knowing which three you mean.

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Q: What are the 3 formulas for trigonometry?
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How many formulas in trignometry?

Loads and loads of formulas. That's trigonometry. ;-)

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How do you calculate a triangle with right angle?

It depends what you need to calculate. There are various formulas for this. It is a branch of mathematics called trigonometry.

What is the difference between plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry?

Trigonometry is the study of plane and spherical triangles. Plane trigonometry deals with 2 Dimensional triangles like the ones you would draw on a piece of paper. But, spherical trigonometry deals with circles and 3 Dimensional triangles. Plane trigonometry uses different numbers and equations than spherical trigonometry. There's plane trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a flat surface, then there's spherical trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a sphere.

How many kinds of trigonometry are there in mathematics?

Two types of trigonometry are recognized: planar and spherical. Planar is 2-dimensional, while spherical is 3-dimensional. Though these are different fields, spherical trigonometry is really just an application of planar trigonometry in several planes.

What are the 2 branches of trigonometry?

plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry

What are the kinds of trigonometry?

The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.

How do you find the angle of triangle if all 3 sides is known?

Use trigonometry

What are some everyday uses of trigonometry?

1) Surveying; 2} Architecture; 3)

What is the definition of the trigonometry?

It means the measurements and properties of 3 sided shapes such as triangles

Topics need for trigonometry?

There are several topics under the broad category of trigonometry. * Angle measurements * Properties of angles and circles * Basic trigonometric functions and their reciprocals and co-functions * Graphs of trigonometric functions * Trigonometric identities * Angle addition and subtraction formulas for trigonometric functions * Double and half angle formulas for trigonometric functions * Law of sines and law of cosines * Polar and polar imaginary coordinates.

What is .8660 in trigonometry?

It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.