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Q: What are the 3 ways of writing a set mathematically?
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The answer to this one is 24. You can do this mathematically by 4*3*2*1.

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There are a few different ways of writing a ratio, which are shown here:As a fraction- like 3/4, or like this 3:4 or 3 to 4

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Mathematically? You can factor it: 1 & 24, 2 & 12, 3 & 8, 4 & 6

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== ==

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What ate the 3 ways of writing ratio?

As a fraction (4/3), 4:3, or "4 to 3"

What are the 3 ways to define set of numbers?

1.roster 2.rule 3.set-builder

What is the set builder notation for 3?

First of all, there are many different ways to express 3 in set builder notation, to be more precise, there are many different ways to express the set containing 3 as its only element. Here are a few ways {x∈R | x=3} or {x∈N | 2<x<4} or even just {3}

How many ways can you arrange seven friends for a photo?

Mathematically speaking, if you line them up in one straight line, there are 5040 ways. You do 7*6*5*4*3*2*1=5040. The * means multiply.

What are the 3 ways of naming a set?

rosting method rule method set-builder rotation

What set does 0 belong to?

The mathematically correct answer is: any set that contains it. For example, it belongs to the set of all numbers between -3 and +2, the set {0, -3, 8/13, sqrt(97), pi}, the set {0}, the set of the roots of x3 - x2 + x = 0, the set of all integers, the set of all rational numbers, the set of all real numbers, the set of all complex numbers.