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Q: What are the 4 significant in the writing of the judges?
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There are 4 significant figures indicated.

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Who are the 6 major judges in the book of judges?

The six major judges in the book of Judges are Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson. Each of these judges played a significant role in delivering the Israelites from their oppressors during that time.

Who are the 14 Judges in the Book of Judges?

Deborah ~ Judges 4:4 Otheneil ~ Judges 3:9 Ehud ~ Judges 3:15 Shamgar ~ Judges 3:31 Gideon ~ Judges 6:36 Abimelech ~ Judges 9:22 Tolar ~ Judges 10:1,2 Jair ~ Judges 10:3 Jephthah ~ Judges 12:7 Ibzan ~ Judges 12:8 Elon ~ Judges 12:11 Abdon ~Judges 12:13 Samson ~Judges 16:30, 31

How many judges on Britain's Got Talent?

There are currently 4 judges.

How many women judges were there in the bible?

There are few references to women serving as judges in the Bible. The most notable is Deborah in the book of Judges. Deborah served as a judge and prophetess in Israel and played a significant role in military strategy and decision-making.

What book of the Bible is Deborah in?

Judges 4 tells the story of Deborah and Judges 5 is Deborah's song in response.

What are the similarities between legal writing and drafting?

Legal writing is the art of writing employed by lawyers and judges when communicating in written form while legal drafting is an advanced form of legal writing where writing skills are employed.

What was the Sumerian writing system called and why was it significant?

Because it was the first form of writing in Why_was_the_Sumerian_writing_system_so_significant.

WHY was the sumerian writing so significant?

Because it was the first form of writing in Human history.

Is Deborah mentioned in Judges 4'4 a prophet?

NoAnother response:Yes, Judges 4:4 specifically says that Deborah is a prophetess, that is, a female prophet.

How do you win a writing competition?

Look up "How to win a writing competition" on google, there are lots of great tips and stuff from some judges points of view