the 5 main properies is
1.reading the question
2.underlining the keywords
3.labeling the keywords
4.writing the number statement
5.draw the model
6.write the full sentences
The properties
how to do mental math useing propertys
assotive coummitive and identfiy
It can be any # it wants to.
If there was no math in the world we wouldn't no that many things because math is the main subject in the world. It is the main subject because you will see numbers everywhere and that is math.
The properties
504 properties of math yeah that's alot
Commutative- When the order of the numbers (#s) in a # problem change but the Sum/Product stays the same.example: 2+3=5 or 3+2=5
how to do mental math useing propertys
because they just are ;)
assotive coummitive and identfiy
Ware the main properties of parallels and meridians
It can be any # it wants to.
math study of the properties of integers
Like Associative property
If there was no math in the world we wouldn't no that many things because math is the main subject in the world. It is the main subject because you will see numbers everywhere and that is math.
Haha all math is the same. Math is simply the study of numbers and their relationships and properties. It does not change within cultures...