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Q: What are the 7 levels of classification in order from greatest to least?
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What is the classification level is broader than the phylum level?

The classification level broader than the phylum level is the kingdom level. Kingdoms are one of the highest levels of biological classification and encompass a wide range of organisms with similar characteristics. Examples of kingdoms include Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi.

What are the levels of organization for classifying organisims?

The classification levels from most broad to least broad are: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

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domainkingdomphylumclassorderfamilygenusspeciesThe 8 levels of classification in order are the Domain, the Kingdom, the Phylum, the Class, the Order, the Family, the Genus, and the species

What are the 7 levels of classification in order from broadest to most specific?

7 levels of classification from broadest to most specific level

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Is numerical order least to greatest?

Yes, numerical order is from least to greatest for example 1,2,3,4...

Are the 8 levels of classification domain kingdom phylum class order family genus and species?

Yes, that is correct. The 8 levels of classification in biological taxonomy are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

What is the purpose of greatest to least?

What is the order of greatest to least?To see the order of which the numbers go in.

What is median in mathmatical language?

arrange the set of number in order from least to greatest and the middle number is the median. You have to arrange them in order from least to greatest or it's wrong. (or greatest to least)

What is the phrase that helps you remember the order of classification levels?

Order of Classification Levels [Catchy Phrase]Kingdom..................KingPhylum....................PhilipClass.......................CameOrder......................OverFamily.....................ForGenus.....................GoodSpecies...................Spaghetti

What are major levels of classification?


What is 0.4 0.04 and 0.41 in order from least to greatest?

order from least to greatest: 0.04, 0.4, 0.41