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Q: What are the 7 regions the world is divided into today?
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How many regions can the world be divided into?

The world can be divided into 7 main geographical regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica. These regions are based on continents and their respective locations on the globe.

How many regions is the us divided into?

There are six

What a regions map show?

A world regions map shows the 7 continents of the world, along with the oceans.

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What does a regions map show?

A world regions map shows the 7 continents of the world, along with the oceans.

How many regions make up the us?

The United States is typically divided into four main regions: Northeast, Midwest, South, and West. These regions are defined by geographic, cultural, and historical differences.

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Yes, there are still some groups of people who practice hunting and gathering as their primary means of obtaining food. These groups can be found in remote and less developed regions of the world, such as parts of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia.

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Modern Egypt is divided into 27 governates or (muhafazat).

What are the 7 regions of the world?

The seven regions of the world are Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica. These regions are commonly used to divide the world geographically for various purposes such as trade, politics, and cultural studies.

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49 divided by 7 =7

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