Motion: Resolve, This house believes that Jueteng Should be legalized
To the chief adjudicator, members of the house, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant afternoon.
As a member of this house favored to the government side, I strongly agree that Jueteng should be legalized be strongly implemented because of the following reasons: 1) Jueteng is not illegal to the people already it is just illegal on its operation. 2) Many Filipino and almost all Filipino are already betting for Jueteng and base on survey 8 out of ten Filipino people bet for Jueteng. 3) The corrupt political official will be minimizes.
But before we go to the arguments, let us first define what Jueteng are. What is Jueteng? Jueteng (pronounced hwe-teng) is an illegal numbers game played in the Philippines. Jueteng originated from China and means "flower" (jue) and "bet" (teng). Although illegal, it is a widely popular game with participation that crosses most, if not all social and economic boundaries, played by rich and poor alike. With long odds and no limits on minimum or maximum bets, the lure of quick riches through a lucrative payout is by far its strongest appeal. The game relies heavily on having a large number of wagers, and there is no limit to the amount of the bet(s). Usually the gambler selects two numbers from 1 through 37, and the winning number is determined by selecting a pair of numbers from two sets of 37 numbered balls. Thus the theoretical odds of winning on any one play are one in 37 X 37 or 1/1369 with payout of 1:800. This is unlike the numbers games in the U.S. during the early part of the 20th century, where the last digit of the winning pay out or the number of the winning horse for three consecutive races determined the winning combination. Although much has been done to curtail or eradicate this form of unregulated gambling by government and community leaders, it appears that such efforts have fallen by the wayside due to its vast popularity, and the poverty which cripples the country. Ironically, in the 80s, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) once sanctioned and operated a similar game, called "Small Town Lottery," which spawned the popularity of the game, even if it was discontinued. Now, let's go to my argument. My first argument is Jueteng is not illegal to the people already it is just illegal on its operation. Jueteng is operating in the Philippines many years ago and the Filipino people already consider Jueteng as a legal gambling and as a part of their everyday life. Jueteng is should be legalized because if it is legalized the government can implement tax for the better of or economic stability, put rules and regulations for the protection of the people who bet in Jueteng, and the government will be the one who will manage it for more improvements like the PCSO or the Lotto. At the same time that a legalized Jueteng is incorporated into the PCSO lotto, wage a media campaign to bad-mouth the illegal Jueteng. Several years ago, someone did a comparative study of lotto and the illegal Jueteng. He or she found out that only seven percent of the take in Jueteng returns to the players in the form of winnings.. Jueteng had cobrador's, while STL had collectors with I.D. of PCSO. What is the different between Jueteng and small lottery, Jueteng had 37 balls to draw while STL had 40……. Jueteng are illegal while STL are legal, but did you notice that they are both gambling. Did you ask yourself, how much was the total you invest on the small town lottery this few weeks? A Jueteng collector on the past was apprehended because it was illegal, and now it was legal they are free on everywhere to collect bet on us…. But where does the tax goes, or who get it? Somebody tells that part of the Tax goes to the LGU within the area of concern, but did you notice that before a LGU can collect taxes, there must be a existing ordinance imposing to collect tax for STL. My second argument is that many Filipino and almost all Filipino are already betting for Jueteng and base on survey 8 out of ten Filipino people bet for Jueteng. Jueteng is already unstoppable in or country that's why we need to legalized Jueteng if the majority is already for it. There is no problem in Jueteng the only problem is the operation of it that why we need to legalized it for the improvement of our country and to stop the issues in Jueteng and to give work to the Filipino people to be employ in Jueteng as manager, staff, facilitator, cobrador's, and many position that is available in Jueteng.
My last argument is that the corrupt political official will be minimizes because if it is legalized already the government will be the one who will manage Jueteng not the corrupt political officials and not the Richs people who is using Jueteng as their business. Indeed, the legalization of Jueteng will bring about added revenue for the government. Its legalization will also cut or minimize graft and corruption emanating from Jueteng underground operation. Jueteng is already legal now if there is no corrupt official who is the one against in Jueteng because they do not want that the money they receive in Jueteng will go to the government for the additional budget of the government. If the Jueteng is already legalized this corrupt official will be minimize because the government is already the one who is managing Jueteng.
Ladies and gentlemen, before I end this speech may I reiterate again my premises why Jueteng should be legalized. Jueteng can give additional money to the government. Jueteng can solve the poverty in our country. The more I think about Jueteng, the more I am convinced that the best "all-out war" against it is to legalize it. And with that ladies and gentlemen I beg to propose.
by:Dr. Jefferson Callangan
The population is every data point you intend to generalise the survey results to. The sample frame is those data points that you can pick from for the survey. The sample is which of these data points you actually survey, and the sample size is how many of those data points there are. For instance, if you have 700 students in a school, and you have access to 300 of them, and decide to give 30 of them a survey, the sample size is 30.
It's not.
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A population survey, better known as a census, entails the collection of each unit in the population. In sample survey information is collected from a subset of the population. The subset, or sample, needs to be selected carefully so that it is representative of the whole population and, if that requirement is met, statistics based on the sample are good estimators for the corresponding population parameters.
They are usually anonymous.
The leading questions in a sample survey is the purpose of the survey and the expectations of the interviewees.
One can find sample survey questions at your local survey questonaire (refer to your local town office to find more details). One could also look through the Survey Center website to find sample surveys to take.
One can find sample survey questions at your local survey questonaire (refer to your local town office to find more details). One could also look through the Survey Center website to find sample surveys to take.
Give some sample questions for market survey of fertilisers
The population is every data point you intend to generalise the survey results to. The sample frame is those data points that you can pick from for the survey. The sample is which of these data points you actually survey, and the sample size is how many of those data points there are. For instance, if you have 700 students in a school, and you have access to 300 of them, and decide to give 30 of them a survey, the sample size is 30.
It's not.
To have a valid scientific sample of religious people in your town, you would need to ensure random selection of participants, have a sufficient sample size, use standardized survey questions, and gather data in a consistent and unbiased manner.
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Demographic questions help researchers categorize and understand the characteristics of the survey respondents, such as age, gender, income, education level, and more. This information is used to analyze how different demographics may influence responses to the survey questions and to ensure the sample represents the target population.
In math, a survey typically refers to a set of questions or measurements conducted to gather information about a population or a sample. This data is then analyzed to draw conclusions or make inferences about the larger group.
This type of research is called a survey study. Researchers use surveys to collect self-reported data from a sample of individuals to understand behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, or opinions in psychology. The goal is to generalize the findings from the sample to the broader population from which it was drawn.