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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of an aging population?
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Advantages: Increased labor force, potential for economic growth, cultural diversity and exchange of ideas. Disadvantages: Strain on resources, impact on environment, potential for overcrowding and social issues.

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Advantages: Job security. There are shortages in nursing right now and a highly aging general population of the country. Helping people. You have choices as to where to work: hospital, school, dr's office, home nurse, etc. The pay is very good, depending on the level of education. Disadvantages: possible odd hours, touching/dealing with creepy people

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Advantages of Ganga: Ganga is considered sacred in Hinduism and holds cultural significance. It provides water for irrigation and supports aquatic life. It is also a source of livelihood for many people living along its banks through activities like fishing and tourism. Disadvantages of Ganga: Pollution from industrial waste, sewage, and agricultural run-off have severely contaminated the Ganga, impacting human health, aquatic life, and the environment. Over-extraction of water for irrigation and dam construction has also disrupted the river's natural flow and ecosystem.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of primary data are: Advantages 1. Data is basic 2. Unbiased information 3. Original data 4. Data from the primary market/ population 5. Data direct from the population. Disadvantages. 1. Large volume of data. 2. Huge volume of population. 3. Time consuming 4. Direct and personal intervention has to be there. 5. Raw data.

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