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Unfortunately there are disadvantages to the gold standard. One of the main disadvantages of implementation is that a gold standard would artificially inflate gold's value, increasing the cost of items and industrial process in which it is used. Another disadvantage is under the gold standard, gold mined at a different rate than the economy grows can produce both inflation, when deposits are discovered and extracted and deflation when they are mined to exhaustion

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Q: What are the advantages and drawbacks of using gold standard?
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Is the US using the gold standard for 2010?

No, they stopped using the gold standard in 1971

What are the advantages using gold?

Gold is not subject to corrosion.

How many countries use the gold standard?

There are no countries today that are using the gold standard.

How did the gold standard start?

No one really knows when the Us started using the gold standard, legend has it that Golorious Leader Thomas Jefferson started using the gold standard way back in the day. The estimated date of first use was 1784

What are the disadvantages and advantages of the gold exchange standards?

1) An international gold standard has both positive and negative attributes. Currencies that are backed by gold maintain very stable exchange rates over long periods of time. This encourages international trade and investments, which help the global economy grow. A gold standard also creates a situation in which any errors in exchange rates are automatically corrected by the movement of gold. In addition to these advantages, the gold standard is also a good defense against inflation. Backing currency with gold is a great idea but a true gold standard is not plausible, the amount of gold being minted today is not enough to keep back our currency 100%. It would lead to insufficient international monetary reserves, which would hurt world trade and investment, and even cause global deflation. Also, the rules of the gold standard can not be strictly enforced with can cause problems.

Is there any countries still on the gold standard?

No. Currently may countries have central banks that hold gold. But no countries are using gold as an official means of exchange and no countries are backing their currency with gold.

Who was the first to adopt the gold standard?

The gold standard was first adopted in Britain in 1821Read more: gold-standard

What are the advantages of using the Central Fund of Canada?

Advantages of using the Central Fund of Canada include the bank's facilitation of gold and silver investments. All transactions at the Central Fund of Canada are fee-free and absolutely 100% safe.

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You Get Gold

When did the gold standard for currency end?

The US stopped using the gold standard in 1973.

What does the G stand for in penicillin G?

penicillin G stands for the phrase gold standard, as in gold standard penicillin.

Who got rid of the gold standard?

President Richard Nixon in 1971 using an act known as the Nixon Shock.