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Q: What are the advantages of ungrouped frequency distribution?
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What is an 'ungrouped frequency table'?

A frequency distribution of numerical data where the raw data is not grouped.

Is the mean of the grouped data is equal to the mean of ungrouped data?

Suppose you compare the mean of raw data and the mean of the same raw data grouped into a frequency distribution. These two means will be

When is line diagram more appropriate than a frequency polygon?

For ungrouped data.

Which type of graph gives you the greatest value of the data set?

A box and whiskers plot, A frequency plot (ungrouped) A cumulative frequency plot (ungrouped), A grouped frequency of cu freq plot should give a number close to (and larger than) the greatest value.

What are the advantages of using mode?

ADVANTAGESIt is easy to understand and simple to calculate.It is not affected by extreme large or small values.It can be located only by inspection in ungrouped data and discrete frequency distribution.It can be useful for qualitative data.It can be computed in open-end frequency table.It can be located graphically.

what are the advantages of using a grouped data over an ungrouped data?

Nothing, they stealing yo data

What is derived frequency distribution?

It is derived frequency distribution. XD

What is the difference of frequency distribution and relative frequency distribution?

A frequency distribution lists each value in the distribution and the number times it appears, while a relative frequency distribution reports the proportion of cases reporting each value

Advantages and disadvantages of grouped frequency distribution?

The advantage of a grouped frequency distribution is that it is small enough for you to get a pretty good idea at a glance how the scores are distributed. The disadvantage is that you are lumping scores together, thus losing some of the information in the original scores.

What is the cumulative column frequency distribution table?

Cumulative Frequency is The total of a frequency and all frequencies so far in a frequency distribution. It is the 'running total' of frequencies in the frequency distribution table.

What advantages does a histogram have over a frequency distribution?

Dunno but would be helpful if someone knew cause Im in maths and need to know

What is ungrouped data?

The ________________ of the ungrouped data is the value that most frequently appears in a set of data.