Multiplication is invented by Human. Maths is not invention of single individual. Many Mathematicians around world discovered and invented new things and added them into Maths.
your brain enjoys learning something new if your intrested in something you pay more attention in it and there fore find it intresting :)
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what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology?
A New Wave was created in 2007.
The duration of A New Wave is 1.57 hours.
The New Wave was created on 1994-04-11.
New Wave Hookers was created in 1985.
New Wave Productions was created in 2007.
New Wave Salsa was created in 1990.
New Wave
The duration of New Wave Hookers is 1.2 hours.
punk to new wave
The New Wave style of expression originated in Europe.