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Q: What are the answers for new wave mental maths yr 7?
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What is the meaning of new wave technology?

what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology? what is new wave technology?

When was A New Wave created?

A New Wave was created in 2007.

What is the duration of A New Wave?

The duration of A New Wave is 1.57 hours.

When was The New Wave created?

The New Wave was created on 1994-04-11.

When was New Wave Hookers created?

New Wave Hookers was created in 1985.

When was New Wave Productions created?

New Wave Productions was created in 2007.

When was New Wave Salsa created?

New Wave Salsa was created in 1990.

Is Adam Ant's music more New Wave or Bubblegum?

New Wave

What is the duration of New Wave Hookers?

The duration of New Wave Hookers is 1.2 hours.

What was the most popular genre of music in the 1980s?

punk to new wave

Where did the new wave of expression in movies originate?

The New Wave style of expression originated in Europe.