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the car tire....damped oscillation

How about a speaker? When you apply signal to it, the cone oscillates in and out.

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Q: What are the applications of oscillatory motion in technology or where can the applications of oscillatory motion be seen?
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What is dynamism in geometry?

Dynamism in geometry helps show visuals in terms of change and motion. These types of concepts are usually seen in items like fractals.

What are the applications of complex numbers?

There are numerous applications; you should read the Wikipedia article on complex numbers for more examples. Some applications include: Get a better understanding of math. Even if you do calculations with real numbers, working with complex numbers often gives a greater understanding.Electricity, with AC, uses complex quantitites.Quantum physicsArt - ever seen the Mandelbrot set, or other fractals?There are numerous applications; you should read the Wikipedia article on complex numbers for more examples. Some applications include: Get a better understanding of math. Even if you do calculations with real numbers, working with complex numbers often gives a greater understanding.Electricity, with AC, uses complex quantitites.Quantum physicsArt - ever seen the Mandelbrot set, or other fractals?There are numerous applications; you should read the Wikipedia article on complex numbers for more examples. Some applications include: Get a better understanding of math. Even if you do calculations with real numbers, working with complex numbers often gives a greater understanding.Electricity, with AC, uses complex quantitites.Quantum physicsArt - ever seen the Mandelbrot set, or other fractals?There are numerous applications; you should read the Wikipedia article on complex numbers for more examples. Some applications include: Get a better understanding of math. Even if you do calculations with real numbers, working with complex numbers often gives a greater understanding.Electricity, with AC, uses complex quantitites.Quantum physicsArt - ever seen the Mandelbrot set, or other fractals?

What are conic sections used for?

The parabola, for example, has been used to approximate projectile trajectories. The hyperbola arises in biochemistry in enzyme kinetics. You must have seen numerous applications of the circle. There are many more uses for these mathematical objects.

What was it meant by multiple vortices?

When water (or any fluid) is stirred in a circular motion it will form a vortex or vortices. A vortex is a region in which the fluid flows in a circular motion around a vertical axis. Common examples are smoke rings, whirlpools - including those seen behind the oars of boats or hot drinks that have been stirred, water going down a plughole. Often the fluid forms more than one vortex - these are multiple vortices.

What terms would be seen in Boolean search?

what term would be seen in Boolean search

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What is occilation motion?

Oscillatory motion is a repetitive back-and-forth movement around a central point or equilibrium position. It is characterized by a regular pattern of swings or vibrations, such as those seen in a pendulum or a vibrating guitar string.

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