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Q: What are the causes of racial inequality?
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What was paul robeson's point in testifying before the house un-America activities committee?

That racial inequality was against American principles ~ apex

What is the definition of racial inequality?

Racial Inequality isn't something new, Historical contexthave shown that the issue of racil ineuqlity has been brought up since the colonization. Racial Inequality is the unequal treatment of minority...

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What did Paul Robeson testified before the House Un American Activities Committee?

Racial inequality was against American principles (APEX 2021)

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Accepting racial inequality in return for economic opportunity

What was Paul Robeson point in testifying before the house un-American activities committee?

That racial inequality was against American principles ~ apex

What are the historical causes of racial inequality in the US and how has American democracy tried to achieve racial justice?

The historical causes stem from the fact that certain communities were considered lesser human beings and even enslaved. The American democracy strives to represent all races in government and has protected all its citizens by the Bill of Rights in the constitution.

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Racial Inequality, civil disobedience, justice

What does the painting called per capita mean by jean-michel basquiat?

It is about racial inequality.

What is a sentence using the word racial?

Racial discrimination is a significant issue that continues to impact individuals worldwide.