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Q: What are the consequences of racial and ethnic inequality?
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What is generally speaking being a member of a racial or ethnic minority group in America has no significant educational economic emotional or political consequences for the group T or F?

There may be emotional and political consequences for a racial or ethnic minority group. It depends on what group you are in.

What is the race-conflict approach?

Race- conflict approach, a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories.

What is the race conflict approach?

Race- conflict approach, a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories.

What was paul robeson's point in testifying before the house un-America activities committee?

That racial inequality was against American principles ~ apex

What is the definition of racial inequality?

Racial Inequality isn't something new, Historical contexthave shown that the issue of racil ineuqlity has been brought up since the colonization. Racial Inequality is the unequal treatment of minority...

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What factors play into racial inequality?

The biggest factor is ones own race. People stereotype other people by the color of thier skin or their ethnic background before getting to know the person.

What is ethno political?

Ethnic/racial politics: between ethnic/racial minorities and the state. key player is Vang Pao.

What are the 3 major theories that sociologists give for why racial and ethnic differences seem to matter to society?

The three major theories that sociologists give for why racial and ethnic differences seem to matter to society are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism suggests that racial and ethnic differences serve a purpose in society, conflict theory views them as sources of inequality and power struggles, while symbolic interactionism emphasizes the importance of symbols and interactions in shaping perceptions of race and ethnicity.

What racial ethnic and religious groups settled in the colonies and what were their reasons for doing so?

The racial group was the whites, the ethnic group was english men, and the religious groups were Seperatists and Quakers. I have no idea why for the racial and ethnic but for religious was obviously in search of freedom of religion. :)

What ideas was Nazi ideology based on?

Racial inequality Idiot!