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.5 or 50% probability (if not counting draws)

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Q: What are the chances of getting tails at least twice if you throw a coin four times?
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What is the probability that the fourth toss is tails?

1/2. What the previous tosses are has no impact on what a fourth toss of a coin is, so the chance of getting a tails is the same on any throw.

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>>> 1:7 (or, if you like probability, 87.5%)I disagree. There are four possible combinations of three tosses (where order does not matter):HHHHHTHTTTTTThree of these combinations will show at least one head - only by throwing three tails will you not throw at least one head.Thus, the probability of throwing at least one head in three flips is 75%.

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The probability of rolling snake eyes on any one throw is 1 in 36. The probability of NOT rolling a snake eyes is 35 in 36. The only outcome here which we do not desire is that in which a non-snake eye roll occurs four times in a row, therefore, we take (35/36)^4 to find the probability of NEVER getting a snake eyes, and then subtract that answer from 1 to get the chances for any outcome WITH at least one pair of snake eyes. The chances are 10.66% of getting at least one snake eyes in four rolls.

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well its may or may not...Both chances are there that either they would throw farther or nearer.

What is the probability of getting at least one 6 in a single throw of 3 unbiased dice?

1-(5/6 x 5/6 x5/6)

What is the probility that three tails come up on a throw of three dimes?

(1/2)3 = 1/8.

What is the probability three tails do not come up on a throw of three dimes?

Probability of tails on each toss = 1/2Probability of tails on 3 consecutive tosses = (1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) = 1/8Probability of NOT 3 consecutive tails = (1) minus (probability of 3 consecutive tails) = 7/8 = 87.5%

What is the probability of getting one head and 3 tails on 4 coins?

My best thing Is to use a dime , that's the best luck you can get ... TRUST me , there Is NO Doubt (: & Throw the dime up in the air 4 times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Rafaelrz. The probability of getting one head and 3 tails on a 4 coin toss is; 4C3 x (1/2)4 = 4!/[3!(4-3)!] x [1/2]4 = 0.25 or 25%