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9 out of 12 chance of that happening

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Q: What are the chances of rolling a four or higher on two dice with one roll?
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What is the probability of getting a number greater than four when rolling a dice?

When you throw a dice there is always 6 chances of getting a number; therefore the numbers greater that 4 are: 5 and 6 (2 options) in total there will be 2/6 chances will simplifies to 1/3

When rolling two dice what are the odds of rolling two even numbers?

There is a one out of four chance of having both dice even numbers.

What is the possibility of rolling a three if you roll 4 dices at the same time?

You can't, can you? The smallest number that you can roll with four dice is four, that is, a 'one' on each of the four dice.

What is the chance of a person rolling a pair of dice and getting a sum of four?

One out of six... or however many sides your dice have on it.

What is the probability of rolling a number higher than 4?

There are six faces, and only three faces with a number higher than a four. So it is 3 chances in 6.

Find the odds of rolling less than a four by rolling the dice once?

The probability is 3/6 or 1/2

What would the probablity of getting four 5s be if you are rolling a dice 4 times?

If the dice are fair, it is (1/6)4 = 1/1296

What is the chance of rolling an even number on both of the 2 dice?

There are four outcomes possible. Both even, both odd, and one of each twice. So, in one roll, it looks like your chances are 1 in 4. Is that what you are after?

What does it mean that the probability of rolling the number four with two fare dice?

Fair dice are dice that are not weighted on one side to make a particular number more probable than the others. The probablity of a four on one dice is 1/6. The probability of a four showing on either or both of two dice is 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3 (Note this is different from rolling a total score of four with two dice which can be achieved with 1+3, 3+1 or 2+2 which is 3 out of 36 combinations or 3/36)

What is ar 3d6 4s2?

The notations "3d6" and "4s2" are related to dice rolling in role-playing games. "3d6" means rolling three six-sided dice and adding the results, while "4s2" may refer to rolling four six-sided dice and selecting the highest two as the result.

What is the probability of rolling a four with a dice?

With a single die, one out of six or 16 and 2/3 percent. With a pair of dice, 3 out of 36 or 8 and 1/3 percent.

What is the probability of rolling three dice and getting a two a four and a six?

(1 in 6)3 or (1 in 216) or about 0.004630.