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First, a correlation is an indicator of the linear relationship between two events or manifestations. As such, it does not indicate that A causes B or B causes A, but rather that A and B coexists together. A correlation will vary between -1 and +1. A correlation of 0 will mean that there is no relationship between A and B. The closer the correlation is to the extreme, the stronger the relationship is. It is important to note that the sign only indicates whether the relationship is positive or negative. More specific to this question, a positive correlation will mean that as A increases, so does B. For example, perfectionism has been found to be positively correlated to depression. In other words, as the person presents more severe form of perfectionism, he or she will also show more symptoms of depression. This relationship could be represented in a graph as a diagonal line starting low and gradually moving higher as it moves towards the right.

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Q: What are the characteristics of a positive correlation?
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No. The strongest correlation coefficient is +1 (positive correlation) and -1 (negative correlation).

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A correlation coefficient of 1 (r=1) is a perfect positive correlation.

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