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Positive correlation.

Positive correlation.

Positive correlation.

Positive correlation.

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Positive correlation.

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Q: What is a correlation where both sets of data values increase or decrease together?
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When creating a scatterplot if the points are too close together to see the relatuonship how could you adjust your graph?

Decrease your scale values. The higher the scale values, the stronger the correlation

What does the value of a correlation coefficent reflects?

The value of a correlation coefficient reflects the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, with 1 indicating a perfect positive relationship, 0 indicating no relationship, and -1 indicating a perfect negative relationship.

In a positive correlation scatter plot as the values of the domain increase what do the values of the range do?

The values of the range also tend to increase.

What is the relationship between two data sets when their data values increase or decrease together?

It is a positive relationship.

Two sets of data that show a relationship is an example of?


What is the correlation if x values are equal to the y values?

Positive Correlation

What kind of relationship exists between the variables if your r value is close to plus 1?

When r is close to +1 the variables have a positive correlation between them; as the x-values increase, the corresponding y-values increase. There is also a strong linear correlation or relationship between the variables, when the value of r is close to +1.

The y axis values increases as the x axis values increase how is this shown on a graph and table?

On a graph it is shown by a line that goes from the bottom left towards the top right. There are fewer conventions about presenting data in a table and it is not possible to say how it might be shown. One possibility is that there is a column of y values and a column of x values. And both increase (decrease) together.

How do you find the percent of an increase or decrease?

% change is the % of increase or % of decrease. % change = (difference of the two values / the original value) x 100% =[(original value - new value)/original value] x 100% % increase -if the value increased % decrease -if the value decreased

In an inverse relationship how do the values of y change as the values of x increase?

Y would decrease in value as X increases in value.

What r-values represents the strongest correlation?


Will the pH increase or decrease if you mix two acids having different pH value?

In general the highest will decrease (more) and the lowest will increase (somewhat), but NEVER linearly average pH values, because it is an exponential unit. ( [H+] = 10-pH )