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  1. Chi-square density curves are right-skewed.

Each Chi-square random variable is associated with a degree of freedom (υ),


As υ increase, Chi-square curves become more symmetric.

Z2, the square of a normal[0,1] random variable, follows a


The sum of 2 independent Chi-square random variables with



, υ


degrees of freedom respectively, has a Chi-square distribution with

υ = υ


+ υ


degrees of freedom.


) = υ

and V(

) = 2 υ.

If {X


, X


, …, Xn} is a random sample of size n drawn from normal population with mean μ and standard deviation σ (i.e., X ~ normal[μ,σ]), then {(n-1)S2 }/ σ2 =



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Q: What are the characteristics of chi-square distribution?
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