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Q: What are the components of a scientific graph?
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What are the 5 components of a good graph?

The 5 components of a good graph are... 1. Independent variable 2. Dependent variable 3. Trend line 4. Graph title 5.To have equal intervals or spaces in-between numbers on a grid

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scientific method

What goes on the vertical line on a scientific graph?

The y intercept

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If the scales on the two axes are linear, then the graph must be a straight line through the origin which is not one of the axes..

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You can split the mixed costs into the fixed and variable components using a scatter graph by assigning the fixed variable to the x axis and the variable component to the y axis.

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What are the main components of a graph?

The x-axis, which is the dependent variable, and the y-axis, which is the independent variable.

What is scientific about TV?

All of the components that comprise a television set are developed due to scientific discoveries. TV as a medium, is scientific when showing programs about science.

What two components are found in all scientific studies?

Observing and examining

What are the four components of science?

Observing, inferring, predicting, and scientific attitudes.

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