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Q: What are the composition of animals?
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What do animals contribute to the composition of soil?

Animals contribute to the composition of soil by mixing organic matter through their burrowing activities, which helps to increase soil aeration and water infiltration. Their waste also adds nutrients to the soil, promoting plant growth and overall soil health. Additionally, animals can help disperse seeds and fungal spores, contributing to biodiversity in the soil.

What changed the composition of the ancient atmosphere on Earth?

When plants and animals evolved, this made changes in the atmosphere on Earth

The greek philosopher Aristotle classified animals according to the way they?

The Greek philosopher Aristotle classified animals based on their habitats and physical characteristics. He grouped animals into different categories such as land animals, water animals, and air animals. He also classified animals based on their blood composition, dividing them into red-blooded (mammals and birds) and bloodless (fish and insects).

What is the composition of a blastula?

the blastula is an early stage of embryonic development in animals. its a hollow sphere of cells surrounding an inner fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoele formed during an early stage of embryonic development in animals

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What do minerals not contain?

Minerals do not contain organic matter such as fossils, plants, or animals. Minerals are inorganic solids with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure.

Composition on zoo for eighth class student?

An eighth grade student may be asked to write a composition on a zoo. This could be about a particular zoo, its size, location, and different animals or perhaps it might be about how a zoo is organized and the different employees needed to make it work efficiently.

Why animals have different coloured blood?

The colour of the blood depends on the composition of the blood. For example the number of red blood cells obviously effects the redness of the blood.

Why different animals have different colours?

The colour of the blood depends on the composition of the blood. For example the number of red blood cells obviously effects the redness of the blood.

What are natural soaps and shampoos?

Natural soaps and shampoos are those which have a content of organic source ingredients or free inorganic composition e.g are origin from plants and animals.

How does poop affect plant growth?

That depends on the composition of the "poop". Poop from ruminant animals could be quite beneficial to plants. -Poop from most humans will not be so good.

What aspects of the environment affect plants and animals in an ecosystems?

The varying aspects of an environment can greatly effect the organisms that live there. These factors can include many things such as: temperature, precipitation, soil composition, air/water composition, salinity (in water environments), land formations, rockiness, and much more.